The Value of Preconstruction Services
Preconstruction Services evolved out of cost estimating to incorporate the many activities typically involved in planning a project, including scheduling, constructability reviews, phasing and logistics, materials and systems analysis, value engineering, life cycle cost analysis and more. Preconstruction sets the stage for a successful build. It’s also an effective strategy for adding value to your project. Though there are many examples, risk mitigation and cost saving opportunities are two common areas in which preconstruction can add value.
Risk Mitigation
Every construction project comes with its own set of challenges and risks. If you fail to identify and plan for a potential risk, you are accepting the risk without adjusting to reduce its impact on the overall project. Fortunately, most risks can be managed with the appropriate planning and project management.
Common risks include:
- – Unknown site conditions
- – Poorly defined project scope
- – Less than optimal selection & application of building systems
- – Mismanaging change orders
- – Issues with subcontractors and suppliers
- – Availability of building materials
- – Equipment damage
- – Safety hazards
- – Poorly written contracts
- – Increase in material costs
There are numerous ways our preconstruction specialists mitigate risk on a project, including ensuring that the budget is accurate, researching project site conditions and minimizing changes and variations during the design and construction phases. Weather delays and resource shortages can be unpredictable, but an experienced preconstruction team creates a schedule with these potential risks in mind. There are risks involved with every construction project. Taking steps to mitigate those risks could mean the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful project.
Cost Savings
When not properly managed, construction risks can be costly. On the other hand, owners save money in the long run when those risks are mitigated up front. Owners should adopt a mindset of ‘spend now to save later’ because the return on investment for preconstruction services is significant.
Preconstruction is also the time to identify value engineering opportunities that will cut costs. With their unique experience and knowledge of different materials and techniques, our preconstruction team may be able to spot areas in the project design where a minor change will result in major cost savings. HPM’s project leadership has saved our clients millions over the years.