HPM Attends Aviation Industry’s MRO Americas
Beginning April 27, HPM’s Vice President of Business Development Jay Daily, Vice President of Marketing Andi Sims, and Senior Program Manager Alan Butler will attend the 2021 MRO Americas Trade Show in Orlando, Florida.
MRO Americas is presented annually by the publishing and event production company Aviation Week Network. It brings together airlines, OEMs, MRO service providers, leasing companies, aviation authorities, and regulators for three days of connecting with industry thought leaders. Important topics on the agenda this year include the continued path to recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and what lies ahead for the MRO and airline industry.
“MRO Americas has been an important tradeshow for HPM. We look forward to seeing current clients and making new connections within the aviation community,” Daily said. “As a leader in the planning, design, and construction of facilities, HPM is unique in that we sit on the owner’s side and facilitate informed decision making. We touch every sector of the industry.”
HPM, which oversaw the successful design and construction of the first Airbus U.S. Manufacturing Facility, stands perfectly poised to assist aerospace companies looking to establish or expand a presence in the U.S. As a nationally ranked program management firm, we help our clients complete their projects faster and for a lower price. Plus, with a portfolio of experience rooted in the public sector, HPM serves as an ideal partner for state and local government recruiting business and industry to their areas.
To meet with an HPM representative at MRO Americas, call or email Jay, Andi, or Alan. We look forward to seeing you there!
Jay Daily
VP Business Development
Andi Sims
VP Marketing
Alan Butler
Senior Program Manager