Positioning New Schools for Future Growth
“As a superintendent of a school district, I have been involved with three major building initiatives, and there’s only so much debt we can assume. Plus, all schools usually have greater wants than they do resources to back it up. Having HPM to analyze our budgets and prioritize our projects has allowed me to run the school district knowing I have the right information at the right time to make timely decisions.”
— Dr. Scott Coefield, Superintendent of Pelham City Schools District
Pelham Ridge Elementary in progress
Pelham Ridge Elementary finished
As a new school district, Pelham City Schools maintained a limited number of staff to oversee capital improvement and renovation projects for a comprehensive phasing plan. HPM provided the guidance and leadership with skills and expertise ranging from planning, preconstruction, estimating, project management, scheduling, field observation, quality control and contract negotiations from a team of 12 HPM experts that equaled approximately two full-time employees in cost to the client.