
Argyle Independent School District

Argyle ISD
Project/Program Management

HPM provided construction management oversight from the legal settlement of the remediation and repair work at Hilltop Elementary School in Argyle, Texas. This work was completed in the summer of 2017.

HPM closely coordinated the required work with the Hilltop Elementary School administration and faculty since the District’s goal was to complete all renovation and restoration processes before the beginning of the next school year. Time was of the essence and every day during the summer months was critical. Although funding for this project was adequate and provided by the legal settlement, HPM worked diligently to ensure the quality and product were implemented correctly.

All furniture, fixtures, and equipment had to be consolidated and relocated to areas of the building that were not affected by the water infiltration. The gymnasium and cafeteria were the largest areas used for swing space. The floor slab was required to be cut in multiple areas so tunnels could be formed to install new sanitary sewer lines that had collapsed. The spoils from these tunnels were stockpiled and removed from the project site. Damaged rubber floor tile and carpet had to be demolished and removed.

HPM worked closely with the vendors to ensure the new products were durable and would sustain a high level of performance from daily use. Our team met weekly with the general contractor to monitor all issues and risks associated with the project. Safety was a top priority.

Monthly Status Reports were provided to the Argyle ISD Board of Trustees to ensure the project delivery date would be met and adequate time would be provided for the faculty to mobilize for the next school year.

HPM’s completed the goal and delivered not only in time but a few days early.

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