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Is it Time to Update Your Facility Plan?

August 6, 2020

Our complimentary Weighted Check-Up Guide can help you decide.

When you’re in the thick of day-to-day business operations, it’s difficult to pinpoint specific areas that need improvement. However, there are a few basic questions that will steer you towards answering whether it’s time to update your facility plan or not.

  • – Is my company/organization using its available space as proficiently as possible?
  • – Is there excess or unnecessary waste within the facility that can be offset or minimized?
  • – Is the facility design providing an environment that cultivates optimal productivity from the individuals it serves?


Whether the facility is a hospital, school, sports complex, or corporate office, all components of the business or organization are linked through the facility itself. As the foundation on which everything else is built, it is imperative that the facility is performing at the highest level. If your facility is not operating with optimal efficiency and supporting the organization’s success, it’s time to update your plan.

Since the onslaught of COVID-19, businesses have started to completely re-evaluate their facilities. Virtual operations and the need for social distancing means fewer people inhabiting facilities, and plans should change to match these changing needs. If you have not adopted an updated facility plan that accommodates social distancing measures, now is the time to act. Organizations that are not proactive about the evolution of their facilities will suffer in the long-term, as there is no indication of a return to normal anytime soon.

So, what data do you need to make an informed decision? We have put together this weighted checklist to help companies identify whether it’s time for an update. If your total score is less than 20, it’s time to put a new or updated plan in motion.

While the numbers provide an effective measuring tool to gauge your facility’s status, it’s important to remember the people at the heart of your organization. Simply looking at data and ignoring the community sentiment can result in a partial outlook in terms of where your facility stands. Connecting with the individuals who work, learn, or consume in your buildings is an essential component of accurate reporting. Maintaining a balance between the numbers and the people will help you achieve more thoughtful, well-rounded, and lasting solutions that improve more than just your bottom line.

HPM’s diverse portfolio in facilities planning attributes our experts a unique understanding of what works best for various businesses. If you recognize that it’s time to update your facility plan or would like more information on how to do so, let’s work together on a customized approach.



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