HPM Hosts Second Annual Georgia Education Executives Summit
April 24-26, executive leaders in Georgia education gathered for HPM‘s Second Annual Summit. School districts from across the state were represented at the event held in Adairsville. The Summit is a premier event designed to connect leaders in the K-12 industry to create unique strategies for navigating common challenges. Speakers included national experts in financing, staffing, planning and international business. Presenters shared insights on optimizing learning environments for students while maximizing facility lifespans.
About the Program
Featured keynote speakers included Cheryl Logan, Executive Director at the University of Pennsylvania and Casey Morris, Senior Director of Capital Planning at Ameresco. HPM’s Chris Allee, Megan Whitten Cordingly, Greg Ellis, Jake Ortego and Tracy Richter also shared best practices for navigating successful capital improvement programs. Each session was designed to foster a conversational, interactive environment to build connectivity among participants.
In a particularly insightful session highlighting program controls, attendees took an in-depth look at cutting-edge technology designed to empower leaders to make more informed decisions and better communicate with internal and external stakeholders. Embracing the digital world is paramount to achieving a successful program. Guests were also offered an approach to facility condition assessments that breaks the cyclical nature of facility planning. When implemented, this strategy enables K-12 leaders to create actionable, defensible and sustainable capital plans resulting in predictable outcomes.
The Summit’s closing session provided information on the role of educational facility standards in the development of an effective long-range facilities plan. These standards play a critical role in shaping the curriculum. Furthermore, they can be utilized to inform new construction, renovation and modernization, ultimately serving as a tool to generate improved educational performance.
“I was extremely satisfied with the quality of the content provided at The Summit,” said an attendee. “The Setting the Standard session brought everything together and was tremendously applicable. I am very likely to attend the event again and recommend that my peers in Georgia education do the same.”
Why HPM?
HPM partners with K-12 school districts to create and implement data-driven long-range planning initiatives. This team of seasoned planning professionals is comprised of former educators turned facilities conditions and assessment experts. They frequently teach the essential practice of integrated planning into capital improvement programs. HPM’s continuous planning practices consistently yield efficiencies and savings to K-12 clients. In turn, every dollar within a bond program is utilized to its full potential. Learn more about HPM’s extensive resume managing large-scale programs on behalf of K12 school districts.